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Space Portal
A Flutter app providing space-related news, Mars rover images, and SpaceX flight schedules.
Technologies Used
About the Project
This project was my first real solo endeavor, marking a significant milestone in my development journey. It taught me crucial software development principles, from project planning and architecture to user experience design. Through its challenges, I honed my problem-solving skills and learned the importance of clean, maintainable code. This experience was instrumental in shaping me into a more competent and confident developer, setting a strong foundation for my future projects.
Things I've Learned
- Gained a lot of experience while developing my first app.
- Learned efficient ways to cache network requests using a local database.
- Working with external APIs like NASA and SpaceX.
- Managing state management with Provider.
- Learned how to use Firebase for backend services.
- Improved my problem-solving skills by fixing bugs and finding efficient solutions to complex problems.